Sunday, February 11, 2007

Avery and Myra and toys I prefer

I got to play with some other babies at church. Avery is four months older than me, and Myra was born 6 hours after me at the same hospital. OK, it is kinda silly to pretend that a five month old is writing her own blog, so I promise I won't do that anymore...just like I promise never to put a pink garter thingy around her head, either. So I bought a little mat with the things hanging down for her to whack and grab and put in her mouth, and the hanging thing that she likes is not the singing sea horse but the tag that I have not taken off yet. Lesson 1: Do not spend money on toys, just clean out containers and leave those lying around on her blanket. In church she was much more interested in playing with Daddy's coffee cup than the less fraught rattle or cloth hat. Just a preview of what is to come, I guess. We will try to take a walk today if it is not too windy, it has been pretty bitter lately.

1 comment:

Terry & Papa said...

Hi Cecelia - It's so nice to see pictures of you - you're wonderful parents are making sure that you stay happy and healthy and safe. I love what you all said about the best toys not being the ones you spend tons of money on. One of the best toys I remember knowing about was a parent who asked on a radio swap show about a box large enough that a refrigerator had been delivered. She got one (swapped it for a pan of brownies), and made an in-door playhouse for her year-old son. She happened to be a babysitter at the time for my year-old son, so I know how much fun they had with it. You are doing a great job so far with life. I can't wait to hear you laugh. Love, Papa and Terry