Here is a nifty perk of my MacBook I just discovered, six months after getting the computer. there are also all sorts of effects like a hall of mirrors sort of thing, but I will spare you looking at those.....This is pretty much Cecelia's personality in a nutshell. If the mouth were saying, "NOOOOOOO! MYYYYYY! TUCKEY! (turkey, her favorite lunch food of the moment)" Oh, I forgot, 'WHY?'

Cecelia loves my parents' pool. In fact she got quite upset at me when I drove away from their house today without having had a swim. 'NO, POOOO!!!' (Do you get a sense of her personality?)

Poor Finona. I am not sure what the caption to this photo should be, perhaps I can start a contest among the blog viewers for an appropriate one?
you have a mac??! We should I chat, so we can see the kids! char
Sheela and Jim-
Way to go! She is so beautiful even when she is making funny faces!
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