Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer is here...

And the time is right for sisterly bonding. Fiona really can't sit in this position for long. In fact, a few secs after this photo was taken, she started to topple to her right. She is just about turning herself over these days. She is desparate to catch up with her big sis, poor girl! She wants to get up and go and her little legs aren't ready yet. This purple elephant toy is a favorite. She shows more interest in holding toys and objects than Cecelia did, or does. Corduroy is one of Cecelia's faves. Jim and I have it memorized. "Corduroy is a little bear who once lived in the toy department of a big store.....".
Here is Cecelia Rose on the J Bar (from Bousquet Ski Area in the 80's) swing at her great granny Barbara's house yesterday. We were there for her cousin (once removed) Katie's graduation from high school party. The young man standing behind her is Martin, Jim's Uncle Joe's three year old son. He was very kind and shared the swing with Cece. She was not so kind in return and followed him around all afternoon insisting that whatever he happened to be touching was 'My,, MY!!' is Granny Rose and the two girls. Cecelia is the 'I-want-to-be-on-your-lap-too-if-she-is' phase. Fiona just wants her Counting bugs book.

1 comment:

The Zoos said...

great picture with granny Rose. How fast they grow. Oliver just went in for his 2 month check up. over 12lbs. yikes.