On Saturday we had a great visit from my cousin Eileen and two of her brood, Eamon and Declan. Eamon is six, Declan three. Cecelia was a bit shellshocked for the first hour or so of the visit. Not used to rambunctious boy energy in the house. (or 'sharing' her toys. She showed interest in objects long forgotten as soon as Declan occupied himself with them.) It was traumatic to watch the boys get their turn on the lawn mower, too. And Cecelia thought Mommy's car was HER car. (Her regular mantra these days is, " Mommy, Daddy, baby......MY.")
My favorite of these pics is the last one. Eamon and Cecelia collaborated pretty well on pushing Fiona's stroller, although Eamon had to step widely to avoid colliding with her. The verdict of the day was, we really like playing with cousins.

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