Saturday, April 12, 2008

Focus on Fiona

People tell me that baby#2 gets, if not ignored, then neglected in the photo taking department. I am trying to prove them wrong, but I don't seem to be toting the camera around as much as I did with Cecelia, it's true. Fiona is already much bigger than her sister was at 6 weeks, more than 11 pounds. And she continues to be a good sleeper, although we think some of her 'good babiness' comes from our ' more relaxed parentness' the second time around. Cecelia is crazy about her little sister, and kisses her constantly, when she is not poking at her eyes and ears and nose and feet and leaning on her belly. We are all very glad it is finally spring, and we took full advantage of the 70 degree temps today to have a family picnic and hike. (sorry no pics of the picnic, didn't bring the camera.... I assure you it was lovely.) We are looking forward to swimsuit weather. Well, the babies are, I personally am not looking forward to the swimsuit part.

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