Monday, November 19, 2007

November fun

Yesterday we spent nearly the whole day outside, partly in an effort to encourage better and sounder sleeping in Cecelia. It sort of works, but 5 am is still her preferred waking time. The lawn mower is her new favorite toy, and would like the ability to ride it herself around the yard rather than depending on mom and dad who are always eager to get on to the next yard task rather than roam aimlessly around the yard. After the lawn mower, lying on the blue tarp with the leaves and getting dragged into the woods was most fun. No pics of that, though, sorry. I will try to catch it later this week. Plenty of leaves left to drag.

Note to friends and relatives: On top of Cecelia's Christmas gift list: boxes. This one held our bathroom sconces and then became a good place to practice our impressive climbing skills. Her face is covered in chili in this photo. One thing we feel very fortunate about is that Cecelia will eat just about anything we put in front of her. Have not tried liver, however. Or the more exotic green peas. Mom doesn't care for them.

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