Sorry that these photos are not clearer. I realized that I did not put up any of our castle in Umbertide, which really deserved some blog space. Here are Cecelia and Leo playing 'pretend to water the bushes' together. They made an interesting pair, as she is exactly one half his weight and size. He just approached Cecelia and she fell over backwards. Our castle, Santa Giuliana, has 10 different renovated apartments belonging to people from all over. Our courtyard here had sage and rosemary bushes and a wide view of the valley below. The only downside to all of the lovely stone is that it is hard as rock, and tough on little bodies that tend to fall down quite a bit.

This is the courtyard in front of our very own Chiesa di Santa Cecilia, our CeceRose's namesake. It has a special place in our hearts because Jim and I were engaged there, and we returned to present our Cecelia to the saint herself. It is a lovely church, in Trastevere on the western side of the Tiber River, in case you are ever in Rome.....
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