Since by far the best (and only) photos I have of CeceRose are from our trip to NYC 10 days ago, here are some more. Cecelia is SOOOOOOO close to crawling. Every time she gets up on her arms, then her knees, we hold our breath...and then she collapses back on her butt. Soon. I shouldn't be so anxious for crawling to start. As it is, she gets around pretty quickly scooting and rolling. No teeth yet, but her gums are preparing for them, it is clear. Lots of drool and gnawing, usually on whatever is the most non-child friendly substance in reaching distance. Dollie or dog food? Blanket or rock? Garment or grass? It is a good thing that God and evolution made babies so darn cute, otherwise we'd just leave them to their own devices and then where would we be as a species?