This first photo was taken this morning. Cecelia is very cute with her little sister in the mornings when we are all at our freshest. Late afternoons are not our best times. Fiona is looking more like her mommy lately, so they tell me. She is fitting into clothes that her sister couldn't wear until she was 5 or 6 months, and she just turned 3 months on May 27th. I went through a nasty bout of food poisoning this week and Fiona was my faithful, easy companion, satisfied to nap on the couch all day long.

Cecelia's latest trick is putting on her clothes and shoes! She insists, "Idoddit" ( I got it) and manoevers her right foot into the left sneaker, sandal, etc. She does better with dresses.

Here is the little one. She is mellow and smiley, making gurgling noises and charming us all.