This pic is actually the last morning in the hospital, keeping Cecelia occupied while Jim got the carseat ready for Fiona. The phone did the trick. She came to be very fond of the maternity ward, taking walks up and down the hallway, greeting the nurses and housekeeper, and riding the elevator.
But that is all history now....
We have been home for 10 days now, and are adjusting nicely, for the most part. Cecelia wants to share lap space with Mommy while Fiona is nursing, which I can manage. She is super affectionate with 'gee', Cecelia's term for most animate objects. She likes to kiss her head best, and point out that both she and Fiona have feet.

Fiona is growing already. She is a ...no, I won't say it, afraid to jinx us....she is a good sleeper. She likes to sleep and eat and make funny noises and faces. That is about her whole repertoire for the moment. Will keep you updated.

And here is our nighttime routine, Cecelia saying goodnight to baby. Jim and I have been indulging a newfound obsession with the American version of the Office after Cecelia is in bed and Fiona is dozing on the couch or in our arms.
All in all, we are happy to report that Cecelia seems to like her little sister very much, and Fiona for her part is very patient and indulgent with Cecelia's shrieking and general noisemaking.