Also new since my last ancient post, we are pregnant again, and I am due at the beginning of March. I am just now finished with the first trimester and still not feeling 100%, but not as sick each morning as I was, which is very nice. Now is just one getting episode per day, or so, instead of 4 0r 5.
Our summer has flown by, of course. We spent a fair amount of time at Granny Rose and Grampa David's pool, where she grew accustomed to the water and loved crawling about on the splinter-laden deck, but never really warmed up to her red floaty device that doubled as a sombrero for Grampa to make her (and us) laugh. Some of Cecelia's favorite foods.....anything that is edible, as long as it does not come in a baby food jar.
Upcoming highlights:
- First Birthday!! September 12
- First international trip, to Italy, October 3
- First full day wearing shoes!! Maybe tomorrow.
- First time soon. We'll let it grow.