Our flight to Denver was not very crowded, so Cece got her very own seat and seatbelt. We met 7 month old Clare on the flight, and ran into her again on the flight home.
Here is our friend Freddie at his desk at the car dealership. We visited him at work in a snowstorm (we brought back the winter to Glenwood Springs) before we all headed into the mountains above Rifle (where there is the Winchester Motel and Remington Square) for a quiet weekend retreat at the Coulter Lake Guest Ranch. We were the only guests at the ranch, which has its own private lake (stocked with huge rainbow trout) surrounded by aspen trees. We had our own cabin and no noise but the woodpeckers and jumping fish. The long dirt road up to the ranch was impassable except by fourwheelers or 4 wheel drive vehicles with chains, due to deep snow combined with mud. It was Cecelia's first big adventure, and she did very well. we had cookies by the ever-burning fireplace, took walks around the lake, fished with Linda, although we were still sleeping when she caught her 2 trout in a row, and played horseshoes. Jim showed an aptitude for the game while I didn't even make the general target area. We also had a snooty lunch in Aspen, a drive thru Golden and a day in sunny Boulder where shopping was the word. verdict= travel agrees with us!!